Creme Egg Whoopie Pie

Boxes Starting From: £18.95

Introducing our Creme Egg Whoopie Pie, a delightful Easter treat that’s bound to satisfy your sweet cravings! At the heart of this indulgent delight, you’ll discover a gooey yellow fondant reminiscent of the iconic Creme Egg filling, bringing a burst of creamy richness to each mouthful.

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Introducing our Creme Egg Whoopie Pie, a delightful Easter treat that’s bound to satisfy your sweet cravings! At the heart of this indulgent delight, you’ll discover a gooey yellow fondant reminiscent of the iconic Creme Egg filling, bringing a burst of creamy richness to each mouthful.

Encasing this delicious centre is a soft chocolate sponge base, expertly baked to ensure a moist and tender texture. The deep cocoa notes of the sponge provide the perfect backdrop for the medley of flavours in every bite.

To enhance the experience, we’ve added a layer of creamy white chocolate cheesecake filling, creating a delicious contrast against the chocolatey sponge. Topping off this Easter treat is a dollop of creme egg-style icing, adding a playful twist to this classic dessert. Its sweet and creamy flavour perfectly complements the layers beneath, resulting in an unforgettable indulgence.

Whether you’re celebrating with loved ones or simply treating yourself, our Creme Egg Whoopie Pie is an essential addition to your Easter festivities. Order yours today and savour the magic of Easter in every delectable bite!

All our products are handmade. The colour and decoration may vary and are subject to supply. The image provided is a representation of the product you will receive.


Sugar, Vegetable Oil, Whole Egg (EGG), WHEAT Flour (GLUTEN), Bicarbonate of Soda, Lemon Juice, Vanilla Flavoured Essence, Yoghurt (MILK), Cocoa Powder, Milk Chocolate (SOYA, MILK), Cream Cheese (MILK). Milk Chocolate Eggs (MILK), White Chocolate (MILK), Cream Cheese (MILK), Fondant Icing, Yellow Food Colouring (natural).

Dietary & Allergy Advice

All of our Whoopies are vegetarian, including our handmade marshmallow. If your box contains Vegan or Made without Gluten products, the products and box will be labelled as such. If there is no label, then your products are not Vegan or Made without Gluten.

Although we take precautions when preparing our products to prevent cross-contamination, our Whoopie Pies are made in a bakery that handles a range of products and it is NOT an allergen-free environment. We cannot guarantee that our products are free from ingredients that may affect those with food allergies.

The Whoopie Bakery Ltd recognises the seriousness of food allergies, and we recommend that you contact us prior to consuming our products if you have a food allergy (see contact information below). If your allergy is of a serious nature, we recommend that you do not consume our products.

The following ingredients are used routinely or occasionally in our bakery: MILK and DAIRY products; EGGS; NUTS (peanuts, pecans, walnuts, almonds, cashews, coconut, hazelnuts, pistachios); SOYA; GLUTEN (Wheat, Barley, Oats); SULPHITES; SULPHUR DIOXIDE.

You can contact us via the contact form on our website, and we will endeavour to respond as soon as possible within standard office hours. If you'd prefer a more speedy response, particularly outside of office hours, we may be able to respond faster on Facebook Messenger or to an Instagram message. Please do bear in mind that we are a small business - we are often out working at markets across Yorkshire, and we do also need to switch off sometimes, so we cannot be available 24/7 to respond to queries. We will, however, get back to you as soon as we are reasonably able.

Shelf Life & Storage

Whoopies stay squidgy for 2-3 days from delivery, assuming our courier is able to deliver your Whoopies on first attempt. Store your Whoopies in a cool, dark place. They do not need to be kept in the fridge. An airtight container will keep them fresher for longer.

You can also freeze your Whoopies to keep them for longer. To defrost, either leave at room temperature for 4-6 hours, or pop one Whoopie at a time in the microwave on full power for 15-25 seconds, depending on how powerful your microwave is, and eat straight away.


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Delivery Information

We despatch Monday-Thursday for delivery Tuesday-Friday.

We offer two delivery options: Free Delivery and Next Day/Nominated Date

Our courier service is Royal Mail Tracked 24. This is a 24 hour delivery service from the moment of despatch but IS NOT GUARANTEED. The delivery date you select at checkout is an estimated delivery date only, and we will dispatch 24 hours prior to your estimated date because data shows that 95% of the time, this service is a 24 hour service. We have however found it to be less reliable on a Friday, especially in London and the South East. We recommend selecting Thursday as a delivery date if you need your Whoopies on a Friday or in time for the weekend. Please bear this in mind when placing your order and refer to the text and/or email that you receive from Royal Mail confirming your delivery slot. If you will not be in to accept the delivery, please arrange a suitable time by following the link sent to you by Royal Mail, within the recommended shelf life of your Whoopies which is 2-3 days from the estimated delivery date.

The courier we use for this service is DPD Next Day which the best available UK next day delivery service. It is a very reliable service and also offers 1 hour delivery slots. However, no courier service is 100% guaranteed so if you need your Whoopies for a special occasion, order a day or two early and freeze them if you can, even when using the DPD service.

Please ensure that the delivery address you input at checkout is correct. We cannot be held responsible for parcels not delivered due to incorrect delivery information being entered at the checkout, if the recipient isn't at the address you provided when our courier attempts delivery, or if your parcel is delayed through no fault of our own.

Please ensure that you or the intended recipient provides information to us at checkout or to the courier once they have your parcel about where to leave the parcel if no one is in to receive it. This should be somewhere dry and cool. In warm weather, it is not advisable to leave our parcels outdoors, in warm porches, or in an otherwise warm place during the day. We cannot be held responsible for any problems with Whoopie deliveries due to the parcel being left in inappropriate conditions.

DELIVERY TO REMOTE AREAS: Northern Ireland, the Scottish Highlands & Islands, Jersey, Guernsey, the Isle of Man and the Isle of White
Royal Mail Tracked 24 enables us to be as inclusive as possible as we are able to offer a set postage charge for any address in the UK. This includes Northern Ireland, the Scottish Highlands & Islands, Jersey, Guernsey, the Isle of Man and the Isle of White. We recommend if you live in these areas to stick with the free delivery option as it is a better service for these areas than the DPD service.